Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog #7: CURSE

When thinking of the word “curse” I immediately think of something supernatural. One of my favorite TV shows happens to be Supernatural; and the term “curse” comes up numerous times. I usually think of an item or place being cursed. Curses are sneaky things; they can disguise themselves as good things, like a lucky charm perhaps. For example, say someone finds a cursed object but doesn’t know that it’s cursed. The object, while in the man’s possession, brings him fortune and becomes the luckiest man in the world. He’s receiving new job offerings, getting raises, winning the lottery; but as all of this is happening he somehow misplaces his so-called luck charm. Once he loses his charm everything goes downhill from there and all of the sudden he is the unluckiest man in the world. Say he was in house one day and tripped over the carpet, bumped into the table and a pen fell off in the process. He thinks nothing of it and walks away but fails to see the pen in front of him and slips on it causing him to fall and hit his head on a sharp corner instantly killing him, now that’s what I call unlucky. Curses are a bad thing and should never be tampered with, unless you are the one being cursed, then you can’t do anything about that. Items or places aren’t the only things that can be cursed people can be cursed too, for example, cursing someone to an eternity in Hell.These aren’t the only meanings of “curse.” A curse can also be an utterance of vulgar words towards someone if you dislike them or if they are just being annoying.
            I chose the word “curse” because I find it captivating; mainly for its first meaning of being a supernatural force that brings undesirable effects on certain things. For something to become cursed, it usually has a very interesting history to it. I mean no ordinary object can just become cursed; some sort of horrible event must have to have happened. So learning why something became cursed I find fascinating. (352)